These churches are or were located south of State Highway 20.
A number of churches were established in Linn County during these pioneer years and beyond.
We have retained the original name, but Muddy is now Alford, on Muddy Creek just south of Halsey on U.S. 99 West. The town is listed as Muddy on the 1895 county map. It reported 11 members in 1854, and 30 in 1858, making it the oldest congregation in this part of Linn County. Dr. John Perkins, a preaching member of the congregation, was elected to the Legislature in 1864.
The church may have reported using several names. We find "Big Muddy," probably a claim that it was not on the nearby "Little Muddy." We also find a congregation listed as the "Lower Muddy." It may have been the same congregation because the "Little Muddy River" was to the north of it, making this the "Lower Muddy."
In 1855 Eliza Ann Smith of Diamond Hill OakOakwrote to the Christian Record (page 24) about the congregation. Here are excerpts from her December article:
. . . But I am suddenly aroused from my reverie, by the swelling impulses, and endearing entreaties of our elder brother Mulkey, which carries us beyond this vain and transitory world of things, to that New Jerusalem, where we can behold by the eye of faith, and the anticipating glass of hope, those who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb! O! how interestingly, does he portray these scenes of heavenly bliss and glory! Our hearts are comforted, and our faith and hope are strengthened and confirmed, and we are encouraged to wait for that blessed hope, and the realization of our fondest desires.
I love the good old Christian Record, it comes to me as an old friend, always welcome, bearing good and sometimes sad news from afar.
In 1877, the church was still functioning and E. W. Barnes was the circuit-riding preacher. The 1880 census reveals that Jesse Jasper Moss was living in Muddy and he was a "minister." He was living with his son, R. H. Moss and his family. J.J. Moss was again living with his son when he died in 1895 at Birdview, Washington.
Without a doubt, the congregation was absorbed into the Harrisburg Church, 3.5 miles southwest.
Established in 1863 with 31 members, it built in 1869-70. We quote most of the Harrisburg entry from a document prepared by the church: Elder J. E. Murphy is the famed church planter John Ecles Murphy, along with his wife Francis. We continue: Victor Hoven says of John Ecles Murphy, As a preacher, John was not strong in teaching, but great in exhortation. He possessed a soft, winning voice. Almost every Saturday he would mount his pony and ride to Harrisburg, or Coburg, or Pleasant Hill, or to other places and preach the gospel.
About this time, overland pioneer Joseph H. Sharp arrived in Harrisburg, because a photo of Sharp in the church records is labeled, "Brother Joseph Sharp, Minister 1866, Harrisburg, Oregon." Joseph and Phoebe may not have been in Harrisburg long because we find them in Latham and Cottage Grove shortly after this. We continue now from the church's own document.
In 1877 the church was reorganized with 33 members. Some had moved away, some died and others had "gone back to the world."
The John Mulkey referred to is almost certainly John F. Mulkey who was married to Sarah Ann Sirus. His grandfather John was a friend of Barton Warren Stone. He came overland in 1853 before he married Sarah Ann in 1859. John and Sarah are buried at the West Point Cemetery, just west of I-5 and 1.3 miles south of the Oak Grove Rest Area. Other prominent members included Walter Huston, his wife Lodemma Shelley Huston and their children R.C., Raymond, Ethel, Veda and Blanche. The preacher in 1877 was E. W. Barnes and in 1889 was F. E. Jones. Brownsville Mapquest
The Annual meeting of the Disciples was held at Brownsville in 1874. John P. McCorkle held a successful gospel meeting here in 1879 with 24 added to the church. The next year he is listed as the preacher in Brownsville.
L. C. Haulman moved here late in 1892 as the preacher. Local church historian Mary Lou Nehr can find records showing the present building was built in 1894. Mr. Moyer provided the land and Mr. Matlock built the pews that are still in use. A congregation was established at Orleans near Albany on Highway 34. Little is known of its past. Peoria Mapquest
The church has not left a record of its members or history. We know that descendents of the Powell family from the Central Church settled here because Russell Dean Powell was born here in 1890. We also know that William P. and Mary Ann Preston, overlanders of 1853, settled here by 1875. The building appears to have been built before 1900. This photo was taken in 1962 by Mr. Ben Maxwell. There are more than a dozen locations in Oregon with the prefix of Oak. Oak Creek was a community on the portion of Oak Creek east of present-day Albany with the Cowan school house as the center of community activity. This is where the church met and reported 28 members in 1871. The Albany Church would not be launched for at least another decade. A leading member of the congregation was James Madison Churchill, an overland pioneer of 1853. His parents, Lewis and Mary, came in the same wagon train and may have also been members at Oak Creek. J. M. Churchhill's younger brother Arthur came overland in 1857. He became a physician. Because the Churchill family settled in the area in the late 1850's, the congregation may be much older than we have indicated. In his Reminiscences, Mac Waller tells of his experiences at Oak Creek. J. M. Churchill was still a leader of the church in Linn County into the 1890s. While the log cabin school building has been replaced with one built of milled lumber, the building stood about 3,000 feet east of Interstate 5, just north of Highway 34. Today the building is no longer in use as a school. Our thanks to Marvin Cole, a resident of Linn County, for his extensive research on Oak Creek, Sand Ridge and several other pioneer Linn County locations. Sand Ridge
The church was established in 1855 by Ephraim Barnett and his son George Hays Barnett in the home of Ephraim and Jane Barnett. While both men were farmer-preachers, it was John Alkire Powell from the Central Church east of Albany who organized and led the congregation.
J. B. Huston and his wife Catherine -- "Kitty" -- had come over the trail from Tennessee. In the 1870 census they had two sons, Luther and Worth, home working on the farm. Most of the Huston clan are buried in the Sand Ridge Cemetery. There is a partial listing that includes them. Thomas and Hannah (or Mary) Ward also farmed and were in Linn County at the time of the 1850 census. We have reason to believe they were pioneers of 1848 from Tennessee. There were enough pioneers from Tennessee in the area that one major road in the vicinity is still called Tennessee Lane. Holley Mapquest The Holley Christian Church, four miles southwest of Sweet Home on Highway 228 in Linn County, was established in 1871. The congregation was originally identified as Brethren of the Christian Church. Organized with 40 members, they first met in a school house.
Their first building (1875) was called the Fern Ridge Church House as the area was not yet named Holley. An early settler mistook the Oregon Grapes in the vicinity as a new variety of the holly tree. With a variation in spelling, the name stuck. A few locals believe Holley was named after a Holley in Wisconsin, but no such location has been found. In the parking lot of today's historic building the sign reads:
The property was given by William and Nancy Matlock. The original pews were built by Bob Matlock. He also made the pews for the Brownsville Christian Church and they are still in use. His work for the Lord has remained on earth well over 100 years.
Follow this link for background on the Matlock family. Isaac Newton Mulkey was the first minister. On Christmas Day in 1891, he wrote to the Christian Standard: We closed a meeting last Lord's day at Holly, Linn county with 7 additions. This is our last meeting of four year's work. We served there three years one-fourth time, and last year one-half time. During this time the church gained steadily, with an inreased membership of over one hundred. Brother Southerland, late of California, assisted me in the meeting. Bro. S. will take charge of the work there in the near future. We believe that I. N. Mulkey had been training a former Baptist minister, George E. Southerland, to take the Holley Church.
The first couple married in the building were Miss Rutha Wright and David W. King in 1892. Mrs. King continued as an active member for 75 years, something of a record. There appears to be a lapse in the congregation's history because in 1887 they reorganized with 30 members.
Like the Tabernacle at Turner, the replacement building was built on rocks rather than with a concrete foundation. The rocks have recently been replaced with a conventional concrete foundation. The congregation has preserved the original building while adding space to accommodate their growth. The entire structure is sided with a vinyl siding that simulates the original wood siding.
The custom of the Holley congregation in its earliest days was for men to sit on one side of the building and women and children on the other. The accompanying photo is NOT from Holley, but does show that some buildings were physically divided to to assure segregated seating. This building is from Washington State.
Revival meetings at Holley were so well attended during the early 1900s that preacher Samuel H. Kimball said of one service, "The church building would not hold the congregation so they took out the windows and people sat in their buggies and farm wagons parked in the grove where they could hear the speaker."
Pioneer Reminders: Rice Road, Matlock Bridge. Halsey Mapquest
John E. Roberts was the preacher in 1880 and A. B. Wade concluded his ministry at the end of 1890. The Davidson family deeded the church lot for a building in 1891. Construction began soon after the lot was available. A. H. Sunderman began his ministry here during the last few weeks of 1893. In 1908, the building was still lighted by lamps. Mary Smith Knight (Mrs. Elston Knight) came from the Halsey Church. Crawfordsville Mapquest
The Crawford family was active in Christian work in Oregon and Jasper Vincent Crawford preached at Waitsburg in Washington (1893), Enterprise (1898) and Heppner (1902) in Oregon. Before that, he was the first postmaster at Crawfordsville - about 1870. The town did not have saloons in its early days. After many reincarnations, the church has ceased to exist. Those in the area attend the Holley Christian Church or the Brownsville Christian Church. Crawfordsville is still a picturesque area. Several Christians from northern and central Oregon have chosen to be buried in its peaceful cemetery, not far from Philemon and Lettitia. The Crawfordsville Cemetery is listed online. Sweet Home Mapquest
The building had originally been an Evangelical Church. It was discontinued about 1906 and the building served as a school and community facility until it was purchased by the Church of Christ in 1918. The new group removed the steeple. Later the building was moved back from the street. In 1948 the structure was rebuilt, using some of the original 1898 lumber. From that group emerged the Highway 20 Church of Christ and the Riverside Christian Church that meets at the Green River Airport. From the Highway 20 Church emerged the former McDowell Creek Church located about half way between Lebanon and Sweet Home. (Technically this congregation was in Lebanon, but its ties were to Sweet Home.) The church was located at McDowell Drive and Berlin Road. There is also an a capella congregation at 37th and Long Street in Sweet Home. Of special interest is the document drawn up and signed in the spring of 1994 by the leaders of the Highway 20 congregation and the McDowell Drive Church putting differences in the past and reaffirming their great brotherhood in Christ. The Holley Church, which predated the others, also has a Sweet Home address, but is four miles southwest of town on Oregon 228.
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