Sunday, December 31, 2006
Four Lists of Apostles
Chart by Charles Dailey

This chart is from chapter 1 of the Acts course at NCBible.Info. Get the full size version there.

This chart is from chapter 1 of the Acts course at NCBible.Info. Get the full size version there.
- Each list is different, showing that one writer did not copy from the other. Even the two lists by Luke are different.
- Each list has the same framework, showing that the disciples were organized into three teams of four members each.
- Team one was the inner circle consisting of two sets of brothers.
- Team two may have handled arrangements such as meals.
- The New Testament writers came from teams one and two.
- Judas came from team three.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
There Were Measures of the Holy Spirit
by Charles Dailey

This chart is from chapter 2 of the Acts course at NCBible.Info. Get the full size version there.

This chart is from chapter 2 of the Acts course at NCBible.Info. Get the full size version there.
- Only Jesus had the Holy Spirit without limitations.
- The 12 (first Jews) and the first Gentiles had the Baptism of the Spirit.
- Only the 12 could dispense the Second Generation gifts of the Spirit.
- The Second Generation men could not empower others.
- Every immersed believer has the presence of the Spirit in their life.
- That inward strength can be increased or diminished, according to our own choices.
Reasons to Believe
Chart by Charles Dailey

This chart is from an online class that I teach at NCBible.Info entitled Biblical Introduction 2. The full size version is available there.

This chart is from an online class that I teach at NCBible.Info entitled Biblical Introduction 2. The full size version is available there.
- The Old Testament provides a historical foundation for the New Testament writings.
- The New Testament is valid for the reasons cited.
- The New Testament reveals the collective body of believers - the church. To claim that our person relationship with the Lord is all that matters misses the great message of the letters.