Online Learning

Devoted to the emerging online learning experience available from Northwest College of the Bible in Portland, Oregon, USA. This blog centers on development news.     NCB main menu.     NCB OnLine menu.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Sound Step Forward

Sound has now been added to the site, so students can hear as well as see words. To sample the achievement, go to the front page, click on Glossary and select Septuagint. It is now possible to present entire lectures, although we do not have any such plans in view. Another possibility is presentations using PowerPoint.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Trial Opening

In just one month, we have been able to launch eight online classes. In most cases, the content was just brought in from where it was being used previously. Of the college level classes, only Daniel and Acts are available for registration.

In the Personal Development category, we have courses using the writings of Ed Werner, Donald G. Hunt and Burton Barber. These are all used with appropriate permissions.

During 2007, the other two parts of the Flood presentation will come on line. Other teachers will join us because the Moodle approach allows students and teachers to participate from wherever they are.